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CoronaVirus COVID-19 Pandemic

We at So Cal Trim care about your health and welfare. During this difficult time we have decided to close our Showroom to customers for the time being. You can of course shop online at 24 hours a day, we are still in the process of painting and delivering customer orders. Our shop hours are from 7am to 4pm Monday through Friday to happily take phone orders and answer any questions that you may have. We are committed to serving you the best we can during this crisis. Please let us know how we can better serve your needs. 951-412-4175

Try to wash your hands with hot soapy water as much as you can! Drink plenty of water, get lots of rest, and eat as healthy as possible during this time. Please listen to the orders to Shelter in Place.. STAY Home, stay healthy and help everyone around you to feel encouraged, uplifted, and full of hope during this crisis. Help your neighbors, call and text friends and family to check on them. If you see a need- try an be the solution. We are all in this together! This will pass, we will get through it, collectively together. Be good to each other, and yourselves.

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